Yateley Cricket Club

Yateley Cricket Club News story

YCC: Quiz Night, Friday 5th May - why not enter a team - just £10 per person with dinner included

28 Apr 2017


YCC Quiz Night 2017

This is a great opportunity to kick off the 2017 season in style - join us for a night of fun and potential frustration as you battle it out with your friends on the pitch! 

When: 5th May 2017

Where: Sean Devereux Park, Yateley

Who: Teams of 6-8. You can pick your own teams or we will allocate to ensure everyone is grouped up.
How Much? Tickets are £10 with dinner included (provided by our sponsors, Deep Blue)

What's the Plan: Quiz with prizes and games throughout!

Email rachelahill@hotmail.co.uk to confirm participation by 1st May 2017 and the members of your team. 


When emailing Rachel, please choose from the following options for dinner: 

Cod & Chips 

Sausage & Chips 

Chicken Nuggets & Chips

Please let us know if you would like any additional items for extra cost - i.e. Mushy Peas, Curry Sauce etc.

Attachments :